For me a foundation has to be...
- Good coverage!I have far from perfect skin and to be honest even if I did I would still probably choose a decent coverage foundation.I am however on the look out for the perfect light weight foundation for summer as I can`t stand the feel of foundation on a red hot day,not that we get many where I live.
- None cakiness,I can`t stand cakey foundations that look heavy-well who can?This is often something I experience unfortunatly as I do like a good coverage
- Long wearing and suitable for combination skin-It is an absolute essential that my foundation is long wearing.I don`t mind having an alternative that doesn`t last forever but for work and nights out I need to be able to rely on my foundation to last
- Colour match-finding the right shade can make or break a foundation and I often find it difficult to match foundations to my skin tone,MU counter lighting can be very deceiving!
I am determined to get out of my boring foundation routine and experiment,whatever the cost!As I am positive there are many products on the market that I will like just as much if not better than my current foundations.Another problem I have is access to brands,for example my nearest Nars counter is over 2 hours away!So,as you can imagine I have a hard time actually getting to the counters to get matched and I have had such terrible mismatched foundation shades before I have literally laughed when the MA has 'matched' me up!
Below are a few foundations that I have been debating trying out,from top to bottom we have Lancome Teint Miracle,Dior Nude,Chanel Mat Lumiere and Nars sheer matte.I also really want to try Makeup Forever's HD and Mat Velvet foundation but I will have to wait until Im in the US as its hard to get hold of them in the UK and I an totally clueless as to what shade I require.Have any of my readers tried these foundations before?what is your all time favourite foundation? and have you had any bad experiences like myself with colour matching?Let me know..... :)

I, too, prefer good coverage foundations that have a long staying power. I don't know if you have ever tried it, but I've been loving my MAC Studio Sculpt. I have combination skin, and this stuff last all day and gives really great coverage without looking cakey.
ReplyDeleteI have seen a lot of good reviews on the Lancome Teint Miracle. It's apparently a lighter foundation that would probably be good for summer.
I tried SS before but I wasn`t keen and ended up selling it.I think it might have been down the being totally mismatched in colour.I got matched to an nw and I`m normally an nc.I thought it looked really orange on me :(Maybe I`ll go and get matched again though,thanks for the rec :) xx