1.I have been with my current boyfriend since I was 13!
Well that is not strictly true as we were on off for around a year but yep for the most part I have been with my boyfriend since I was 13-7 years next month!2.My favourite recording artist and performer of all time is without question Michael Jackson.
Yes I know he was a little...quirky...ok he was damn right strange!But I absolutely love his music and him,I will not have a bad word said about him haha,just ask my family.My boyfriend and I actually had tickets to see him at the 02 but sadly we all know how that ended.
3.I am a shopaholic!
I am not exaggerating,If I could I would literally spend every day shopping, wether it be for makeup,clothes,beauty products I wouldn't care,heck I even enjoy grocery shopping!I have deffinetly inherited this from my mam as she is exactly the same.
4.I am obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio
I can`t quite believe I`m admitting this but I have been in love since I was about 6 haha!To me he is THE most gorgeous man that ever lived-after my boyfriend,if he ever reads this ;) So he has aged a bit but I don`t care,Titanic is my favourite film ever,I also love him in Catch me if you can and of course Romeo and Juliet.I am such a nerd.
5.I am a Beauty Therapist
Not alot to say about this one,I studied Beauty Therapy at college after doing my a-levels at my school's 6th form and now work in a local salon.Its not my dream job but it will do for now.Truth is I`m not entirely sure where I want to end up in life.
6.I saw Lady Gaga at the 02 In December...
And she was fab!I wasn`t a massive fan before but I deffinetly am now.I went as part of my Christmas works do' and I have to say she was blimmin fantastic,she may be totally nuts but she is so talented.
7.Im visiting Las Vegas in April
I turn 21 on the 17th of April and as I have always wanted to visit America my boyfriend and I decided to book up to go to Vegas.I am so excited I can not describe!
8.I have 2 pets..
I have a Bedlington Terrier named Zak and an 8 year old cat named Pheobe.I chose both names incase anyone was wondering haha :P
9.I have never broke a bone,had a filling or lost a tooth..
Other than my baby teeth of course!
10.I have anxiety attacks...
Which obviously I hate and anyone who suffers from them too will understand why I`m sure!
11.I prefer staying in to going out..
Does that make me boring?When I saying going out I mean 'nights out'.Dont get me wrong every now and again is great but I much prefer a day of shopping,pampering or just chilling out to a drunken night out.Maybe I am just getting old!
12.I am a total chocoholic!
I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth,especially when chocolate is concerned.I love marzipan and Afer Eights.Ok now I sound REALLY old,its true though!
13.I am currently Learning to drive..
My test is next month...I am dreading it even though I know I`m capable
14.I really want a Louis Vuitton Damier Speedy 35 handbag..
Who knows,maybe I will get one for my upcoming birthday-but probably not,a girl can wish
15.I love my family!
Of course I probably don`t tell or show them it as much as I should do but my family really do mean the world to me.Where would be without them?
good luck for your driving test =) i loved reading your facts, it's literally like my writing my facts =) xx
ReplyDeleteI prefer staying in to going out too. And ditto on the anxiety attacks, not pleasant!Good luck for your driving test x
ReplyDeleteThanks both of you :) xx
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the driving :) xx
ReplyDeleteAh loved this! You didn't sound like a nerd at all :P Good luck with the driving test. I asked for some for my 18th.. not quite sure if i will get any but like you said a girl can wish ;) x
ReplyDeleteAnd wow, so lucky you get to go to Vegas. Have fun!
ReplyDelete@xXxStundonxXx Thankyou! :)xxx
ReplyDelete@Christina Marie Thanks!Fingers crossed for both of us then haha I doubt I will get my bag though :( Oh well maybe one day! xx
Congratulations on your 7 years! And best of luck for your driving test :) xx
ReplyDeleteHey girlie!
ReplyDeleteWOW you seriously have been with your boyfriend since you were 13? That's pretty amazing! Congratulations!
I hope you do well on your driving test. I know I still hate driving. I'm always on edge when I do.
I see that you've only just started your blog, and it looks really great! I don't want to sound like I'm spamming you, but I just opened mine like yesterday lol. If you get a chance maybe you can check it out :)
Thankyou!Yeah 7 years give or take haha ;)I just checked out your blog,following back :)xx